Gina is a SAG actress based in Los Angeles and studies at Lesly Kahn and Co .
Conceiving a short Gina wrote and stared in is in the final stages of editing and will be headed out to the festival circuit in the fall. ​
She recently won BEST ACTRESS for a short Anniversary.
Secrets a pilot about two daughters taking over the family business was awarded quarter finalist in the Portland Screenwriter's Festival.
Gina loves spicy pickles, hot yoga, dancing in her living room and hanging out with her dog Tilly.
Currently she is watching Colin From Accounts, Trying, Presumed Innocent, and Top Chef.

Gina is in the movie Rogue Warfare: The Hunt that hit was a surprise Number 1 hit on Netflix. The Rogue Warfare Trilogy was directed by Mike Gunther and stars Will Yun Lee, Chris Mulkey, and Stephen Lang.
Checkout Gina in a silent black and white film that is currently making the festival rounds on the reel page. ​​
Gina's has multiple projects in post.
* Conceiving -When a couple can't afford IVF they decide to take things in to their own hands.
* Work Friend (director) - When a pessimist is sat next to an optimist a new day is born.
* The Good Guys (director) - When a second date turns to all things Marvel can Luna save herself from the dark side.